Christian Joseph R. Agopitac




Hi everyone, my name is Christian Joseph R. Agopitac but you can call me Cj, I like arts, I do music mostly, I rarely go outside, I’m an Introverted guy who stays at home a lot and play instruments that I’m good at, especially at guitar.

What is your Guiding Principle in living your life and why is that so? My guiding principle is “Slow and Steady Wins the Race”, I’d rather be slow than be fast but not exactly know what they’re doing. Being slow means you’re certain and optimistic for the future.

How are you alike and different from the other?

I’m eccentric, I have a few friends but I’m the odd one of the group, I don’t go to parties, I’m that guy that eats and leave unnoticed because I don’t want to stay.

Enumerate your accomplishments, little or unimportant it may seems , which you and your family are proud of.

For me, it was a gig that I got to perform in a mall that had a big audience, it made my music spirit immensely happy. when I graduated in senior high school also, it made me and my parents proud of that achievement and lastly, surviving the first semester is something to be proud of.

What are your dreams and future plans?

My dreams and plans are actually simple, I want to finish college so that I can repay all the hard work and sacrifices that my parents do for me. It might be long and slow but I want to do it slow and steady so that our future will be secured.